5 Points. Apple Desired Information Privacy Law.


  • tech companies should de-identify customer data or not collect customer data
  • comprehensive federal law is necessary
    • why? tech companies that collect a lot of data are basically spies
  • people should have a right in their data, and a right to have that data minimized
  • consumers must be told what data is being collected & why
  • the data belongs to the users and users (consumers) should always have access to it

The gold standard law: GDPR in the EU

Ars Technica | Tim Cook Calls for Strong US…

A State Auditor Looks into 5 School District Student Data Collection

The Missouri State Auditor is looking into data security, data breach, data retention policies in 5 school districts.

The review also included reviewing the state education agency data policies. The state agency will soon adopt policies related to data breaches.

MissouriNet | Missouri education department to change student data collection after audit