Hackers hitting water facilities

Recently hackers have taken hold of water systems in the US. The Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa in Pennsylvania connected the hack to its Israeli made system.  Politico’s Morning Cybersecurity provides insight.   The hacks have prompted “four federal agencies and the Israel National Cyber Directorate to issue a joint advisory warning of “malicious cyber activity” against certain devices […]

funding withheld for broadband in certain states?

States that bar or restrict municipally owned broadband may not be eligible for federal broadband funds. “In its draft plan, Texas’ broadband office said only the state’s legislature can change a law that gives preference to private broadband providers. As a result, the office said it cannot allow local governments to be eligible for BEAD funding […]

new legislative frontier: target algorithms

Al Gore this week suggested that policy makers should ban certain uses of algorithms that are “an abuse of the public forum.” The policy concern is that the algorithms effectively harm our form of government by weaponizing information. @bloombergbusiness The Hill | Al Gore calls social media algorithms ‘digital’ AR-15s

New York’s Crypto Task Force

New York State Legislature is considering a Crypto Task Force that would examine the emerging industries of digital currency, cryptocurrency, and blockchain. The 16 member Task Force would be appointed by the Governor and the Legislature to study the industries, including their trade on exchanges, impacts on state and local tax receipts, and energy consumption […]