Eminent Domain Irony 2.0

Last week we broached the topic of irony at the Alamo. The name of the Alamo, where people fought to stop the taking of land, is being heralded as a reason to take land from a private business owner in the name of a museum. This week, the historical game of musical chairs is a popular topic. A Wall Street Journal editorial enters the fray. 

As often is the case, at issue is value of  the land. The WSJ looks at it from a willing buyer, willing seller perspective. The bar owner is willing to sell at $17 M. The last eminent domain appraisal was for $3.5 M.  That’s a $13.5 M gap.

The editorial poses this question: The question is whether it’s right for the government not only to take a person’s property but to set the price and negotiate with the threat of eminent domain hanging in the background.

WSJ | The Second Battle of the Alamo